Friday, August 2, 2013

32 Weeks Pregnant with Twins and Averaging Three Grapefruits a Day

I'm not sure what it is about them, but I LOVE grapefruits right now. And ICE! It's my motivation to keep working in the hospital despite being REALLY pregnant...all the free ice I could ever want in a 12 hour shift. And it's not just any kind of CRUSHED ice! 

I am still feeling pretty good, despite measuring 39 weeks. I tend to have a metallic taste in my mouth all the time and I'm getting more sore carrying around a huge belly, but I really cannot complain. I feel so blessed!

The ultrasound on Wednesday shows Baby A to now be 4.6lbs and Baby B to be 4lbs even. Both are breech (heads up) and facing each other.  Baby A needs to get with the program and flip upside down before he doesn't have room to so I can deliver naturally. Doctors don't mind if the second baby is breech because they can usually turn him after Baby A is delivered.

It's exciting to finally be 32 weeks! We get to meet them really soon! AND if they were born today, they shouldn't have any serious complications.

32 Weeks!

A follow-up to the haircut that made me cry: 

After sitting on the couch with me as I shed WAY TOO MANY tears over a hair trim, my sweet husband took the time to find out who my hairdresser in Richmond is, make an appointment, and take me there over the weekend, all as a big surprise. What a sweet man! 


  1. Joelle... start doing handstands in the pool to get him to flip ;) That's what my midwives suggest.
