Thursday, August 29, 2013

We Made It To 36 Weeks!!

While the past month has definitely been pretty boring on bedrest, I am so grateful that the boys are still right where they should be...that my belly, putting pressure on my pelvis and smashing my lungs:) Praise God!

I went to my last ultrasound appointment yesterday. Baby A is still breech and weighs approximately 6 lbs 11 oz (although weights get pretty inaccurate this late in the game). Baby B is vertex (head down) and weighs approximately 6 lbs. Baby A is taking up most of the space while poor Baby B is tucked up in the corner, making me look pretty lopsided at times.

Baby A is still breech and there isn't much room for flips in utero anymore. Unless he turns before I go into labor, or before I hit 38 weeks, it's an automatic c-section. Samuel and I have been praying for a natural birth since we first found out we were having twins. Thanks to everyone for your continued prayers!

I stand with my hands in my back pockets so I
don't tip over. ;)
I was thinking yesterday after news that a c-section may be in my future, how much I don't like pregnancy because of the lack of control I feel. All the changes in cravings, emotions, feeling ill, and the idea that whether you like it or not, you have to face the delivery day. Whether it be a natural delivery or a c-section: both are a big deal. On top of not feeling in control over your own body, you don't have any control over your baby's either. You take the vitamins, drink plenty of water and eat healthy, but at the end of the day you have no control over the development of your baby, the position he'll be in when it's time for birth, or what day he'll be born. You think to yourself, "I can't wait until I am finally holding that baby in my arms...then I know that everything will be ok."

Then I began to realize that this feeling of a "lack of control" is really good preparation for parenting. Because the truth is: you really don't know that everything will be "ok" once you are finally holding that cute little bundle of joy in your arms. What about when he takes his first tumble, drives a car for the first time, or goes away to college and is no longer within your little "bubble" of safety you created for him? The truth is: you can give him his vitamins, give him plenty to drink, and help him eat healthy, but at the end of the still have no control.

I have to keep going back to the fact that God is the one who has created these twins and caused them to grow. He is the one that is in charge of what day and how they are delivered.  He is the one I must rely on to keep me and them safe during delivery and for the rest of our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Joelle! I am a control-freak & Got has been showing me over & over again ever since we started trying to get pregnant that HE is in control. I have no control over anything in this life & once I can give up control to Him-- the Sovereign, Omniscient, Omnipotent Creator of the universe--then, I'll have peace & everything will be as it should be! That being said, I'm praying, praying, praying that Baby A turns head down!
