Wednesday, October 16, 2013

5 Weeks

"I will survive, for as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive..."

Okay so it isn't that bad, but it has been a roller coaster of a month learning how to juggle twins. Here are somethings we've learned over the past five weeks:

  • Pacifiers can be your best friend at times and at others, they can be really when they keep falling out of baby's mouth causing him to cry. 
  • If the pacifier falling out of baby's mouth does cause him to cry over and over again, there is probably something else bothering him. 
  • If you are what you binge on chocolate made for a very late night of constant crying. 
  • On Becoming Baby Wise by Gary Ezzo and Robert Buckman has proven to be a wonderful book for sleep training. The boys are not sleeping through the night yet, as they are still too young for this, but I am getting good amounts of sleep at this point.  AND we don't have to rock them to sleep at night, we simply lay them down and they go to sleep on their own. 
  • I get way more sleep with the bassinet just outside the bedroom door where I can't hear every little sound they make in the night. 
  • Just because they are routing and acting hungry in the beginning, doesn't necessarily mean that they are hungry, it could also mean that their tummy hurts. 
  • Don't wait too long to introduce a bottle...if you do they may never accept it and then you are stuck. 

Josiah and Elliot

I'm sure there's a lot more that I have learned, but these are the main things that stick out to me that are applicable to singletons as well.

Josiah weighed 8lb7oz and Elliot 6lb12oz at their one month check-ups. Both are doing really well. 

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