Friday, February 21, 2014


This time, three years ago, Samuel and I were leaving Honduras...

Hospital Loma de Luz

I had been in Honduras working as a nurse in the missionary hospital called Loma de Luz for nine months, when Samuel (who I had yet to meet) moved down to help work on the hospital's farm. 

Me and Samuel on the beach near the hospital

In February, 2011, we both moved back to the US to make preparations for our wedding that took place April 16, 2011.

Our love for third world culture and missions quickly brought us together as a couple. And although we are living in the US for now, we long and hope for the day that we will be called back overseas. 

Snacking while working at a clinic at a school in the mountains. The hike
there was pretty intense. 

Typical scenery near the hospital

Learning to wash dishes Honduran style

Playing with kids on a Sunday morning on an island just off the coast, Cayos Cuchinos

Our friend at the market we would frequent in town

I cared for this little boy in the hospital for several weeks while he recovered from
and infection. We were celebrating his first birthday in this picture. 

More to come on our time in Honduras because it has played such a huge role in our lives. 


  1. Now that was a wee trip back into the past! Have nothing but fond memories of your time with us there.

  2. Sounds good. See you over there.
